(Eric Harris) What part of your game do you feel needs the most improvement?
(Chris Atkinson) My pull-up game & constantly working to become a better leader.
E.H. Who was the toughest pg that you ever played against?
C.A. His name was Josh Brown from Jersey City. He was always strong with the ball and you couldn't rattle him. He also knew how to get his team open shots.
E.H. If someone came to see you play for the first time, what shoud they expect?
C.A. They can expect to see me working hard and giving 110% on offense and defense. Focusing on getting my teammates involved, making smart decisions
and my all around play. Knocking down pull-ups.
E.H. How would you describe coach John Bucks coaching style?
C.A. Coach Buck really knows his stuff. He's very knowledgable about the game.
E.H. What part of the game does he emphasize most?
C.A. Definitely the defensive end. If you don't give your all and commit on D, he will let you know.
E.H. Did he ever tell you any Chris Paul stories? (Coach Buck played @ Wake Forest with CP3.)
C.A. He told me that CP was a great leader and very vocal on and off the court. He always pushed guys to do better.
E.H. What made you want to go to Luhi?
C.A. The fact that I was able to stay close to home. I really liked the family atmosphere there when I visited the first time.
E.H. What's your favorite subject/teacher? Why?
C.A. Math and English are both interesting to me and they both come easy. Mr. Beers is my favorite teacher because he doesn't let you slack. He's always pushing me to do better.
E.H. Favorite sneaker?
C.A. Jordan 12/black and white. Red 4's to kick it in.
E.H. Favorite NBA player? Why?
C.A. Chris Paul because he's a great leader and he's always getting his teammates open shots. I hope they win the chip.
E.H. CP vs. Kyrie Irving. Who would win?
C.A. CP without a doubt.
E.H. D Rose vs. Russell Westbrook?
C.A. D Rose.
E.H. What was the Nike E.Y.B.L. circuit like?
C.A. I love EYBL. It's very tough competition-you're playing against elite players from all over the country. You have no choice but to get better!
E.H. Describe the role that coach Oz and Munch (Team Scan) have played in your development?
C.A. They're both great role models. Coach Oz has always been there for me. I can talk to him and he's always pushing me to do better. The same as coach Munch-he's harder on me than anyone. Even if I have a good game, he's always telling me what to do to get better and help my teammates get better.
E.H. Rihanna, Alicia Keys or Beyonce?
C.A. Alicia Keys
E.H. Favorite rapper/album?
C.A. Meek Mill/Dream Chasers 1.
E.H. Favorite meal?
C.A. Chicken, white rice & broccoli.
E.H. What would you do with 1 Million dollars?
C.A. First I would give back to the community in some way. I would give the rest to my mom. I'd also get myself some clothes and shoes.
E.H. Anything else you would like to share with the people?
C.A. You need to train with Eric Harris-he will definitely get your game right!
E.H. Thanks C-bring that state championship home!